Yearly - Monthly Premium Plans

If you are looking to use a premium feature such as privacy or custom logo, you will need to upgrade your account to PRO.

Pro Features
Add Your Own Logos on Your Experiences
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Manage Experience Privacy
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Add Scenes
Scene type:
Scene Sound

Add sound to only this scene. Supported formats: .mp3, .wave, .aiff

Image Downloads

Image will open in a new window. Right click image to save.

Thumbnail Original Image
360 Capture

Capture the current scene as a 360 image. Image will download automatically after a few seconds.

Take 360 Snapshot
Mint 360 Image

Mint this 360 image as an VR NFT. will open in new window.

Flat image

Insert a flat image into this scene

Upload image:

Image Hotspot Options

scale (percent)
Adjust position / rotation
(or use arrow keys)
Save Options
Change 360 Image

Select a new background image for this scene

photo type:
Orb Rotation
Set the Orb to rotate automatically

Orb Rotation behaviour

Orb Sound
Place sound across the whole orb experience. Supported formats: .mp4, .wave, .aiff
File name goes here
Remove file
Info hotspot

Add a text hotspot to this scene

Hotspot Info Text

Maximum character count: 50


Upper Left Logo

This is a premium feature click here to upgrade Supported formats (png and jpg) size: 300x50

Select File

Custom nadir

This clickable element will place a logo at the bottom of your image. Supported formats (.png and .jpg) size: 800x800.

Select File
Create plugin

Element name:



Element properties
Element Name:
  • x:
  • y:
  • z:
  • distance:
  • x:
  • y:
  • z:
  • x:
  • y:
  • z:
Custom properties